Genealogy and Cemetery
Members of the Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society (HMCS) are descendants of those involved with the mission whether commissioned by the ABCFM, returning to Hawaii with various companies, or brought from Tahiti and the London Missionary Society. HMH keeps the genealogies of those families and welcomes your participation. Here is the list of the families:
Families of the HMCS (Page Under Construction)
To help us keep the Society’s genealogical records up to date, please keep us informed of all births, marriages, divorces, and deaths in your family. We update the roster annually.
Current Roster (Page Under Construction)
Please complete the appropriate Vital Statistics and Enrollment Forms found below, and return them to HMH. Also, please note that in order to successfully complete enrollments, all the requested information is needed. Please contact us if you need help with this.
Enrollment includes a one-time fee of $25.
The Society now has genealogical software. Volunteers assist us by keeping each family up to date, but we need your help. If you have already sleuthed your family tree and have that information in your computer, we want to know. Once we have verified your data, we will add it to our system and then, in turn, share what we have with you.
Recently, Participating Members received printouts of their genealogy as a thank you for their donations. If you would like yours, please contact us to let us know.
For help with Genealogy or Cemetery questions or concerns, contact [email protected] or call (808) 447-3926
Enrolled members of the Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society may be buried in Mission Cemetery at Kawaiaha`o Church. Please follow these links for information.